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Weather Station

Last updated at 9:05 on 22/10/24
Updated every 5 minutes

Weather Conditions at the Hampshire Astronomical Group Weather Station, located in ,
Forecast: Mostly clear and warmer.

Cloud Sensor
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Cloud Sensor Reading - Clear, Dry and Very Light
Clear, Dry and Very Light
Light Level: 32.1
Sky Clarity: 30.8
Moisture Sensor: -2.8
Barometer: 1026.0 mb and Rising Slowly
Temperature: 10.6 °C Humidity: 96 %
Wind: WSW at
5.0 mph
Current Rain Rate: 0.0 mm/hr
Wind Chill: 9.7 °C Today's Rain: 0.3 mm
Dewpoint: 9.9 °C Storm Total: 0.0 mm
Heat Index: 10.8 °C Monthly Rain: 40.9 mm
THW Index: 9.9 °C Yearly Rain: 860.3 mm

Sunrise: 7:39

Sunset: 17:56

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