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1 Month History - Last updated at 8:00 on 22/10/24
Updated every 8 hours

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Monthly Highs/Lows History Graphs for ,
High Temperature

Low Temperature
18.1 °C

5.7 °C

Outside Temperature History   Outside Humidity History

Outside Dewpoint History   Average Wind Speed History

Wind Direction History   High Wind Speed History

Direction of High Wind History   Barometer History

Total Rain History   Rain Rate History

Wind Chill History   Heat Index History

High Humidity

Low Humidity
100 %

58 %
High Dewpoint

Low Dewpoint
17.2 °C

3.3 °C
High Wind Speed 40.0 mph
High Barometer

Low Barometer
1025.5 mb

984.0 mb
Rain Total 40.9 mm
High Rain Rate 55.1 mm/hr
Low Wind Chill 2.8 °C
High Heat Index 18.9 °C
Yearly Highs/Lows
High Temperature

Low Temperature
31.7 °C

-3.3 °C
High Humidity

Low Humidity
100 %

38 %
High Dewpoint

Low Dewpoint
23.3 °C

-8.9 °C
High Wind Speed 135.0 mph
High Barometer

Low Barometer
1036.5 mb

969.9 mb
Rain Total 860.3 mm
High Rain Rate 2090.2 mm/hr
High Heat Index 35.0 °C
Low Wind Chill -10.6 °C


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